An averaging process for unipotent group actions
Amnon Yekutieli, BGU

Let G be a unipotent algebraic group over a field K of characteristic 0, and let Z be a torsor under G(K). By this I mean, naively, that Z is a
set endowed with a G(K)-action that's transitive and has trivial stabilizers. Suppose we are given a sequence z_0, ..., z_q of points in Z, and a sequence w_0, ..., w_q of scalars in K whose sum is 1 (these are the weights).
I will explain how to define the weighted average of z_0, ..., z_q in Z.
This averaging process is very well-behaved (it's functorial and simplicial). Here is an application. Suppose X is an algebraic variety over K and Z is a G-torsor on X, in the usual sense, which is locally trivial for the
Zariski topology. Suppose s_0, ..., s_q are local sections of the torsor Z,
defined on an open covering of X. The averaging process allows us to construct
a global simplicial section s of Z. This situation occurs in the theory of
deformation quantization.