This page list all events and seminars that take place in the department this week. Please use the form below to choose a different week or date range.

Lie Superalgebra Day

Dec 25, 2018, room -101

Official Website (containing the full program) and Poster

Combinatorics Seminar

Piercing Edges with Subsets in Geometric Hypergraphs

Dec 25, 10:45—11:45, 2018, -101


Bruno Jartoux (BGU)


Borel-Weil-Bott theorem for algebraic supergroups and weak BGG reciprocity

Dec 25, 14:30—15:30, 2018, Math -101


Vera Serganova (University of California, Berkeley)


We will review some results about superanalogue of Borel-Weil-Bott theorem, explain the role of Weyl groupoid and prove a weak version of BGG reciprocity. Then we illustrate how BGG reciprocity can be used for computing the Cartan matrix of the category of finite dimensional representations of the nontivial central extension of the periplectic supergroup P(4).

אשנב\צוהר למתמטיקה

הזמנה לתורת ההצגות עדכון: ההרצאה נדחתה

Dec 25, 18:15—19:45, 2018, אולם 101-


אינה אנטובה


בהרצאה נדבר על הצגות של חבורות (ולא רק חבורות). תורת ההצגות היא המשך טבעי למושג “פעולה של חבורה על קבוצה”, והוא בא לבטא את הקשר בין חבורות לבין סימטריות של אובייקטים שונים.


Support varieties for supergroups

Dec 26, 15:10—16:25, 2018, -101


Vera Serganova (UC Berkeley)


We define a functor from the category of representations of algebraic supergroups with reductive even part to the category of equivariant sheaves and show several applications of this construction to representation theory.

BGU Probability and Ergodic Theory (PET) seminar


Dec 27, 11:00—12:00, 2018, -101


The talk has been cancelled

Other Dates