האירועים הבאים
המדרשה המתמטית בנגב(*) Mar 9—11, 2025, מדרשת בן-גוריון.
הנכם מוזמנים להשתתף במדרשה המתמטית השלישית בנגב, אשר צפויה להתקיים בתאריכים 9-11 במרץ 2025 (ט‘-י“א באדר תשפ“ה). זוהי הזדמנות להכיר חוקרים פעילים במתמטיקה, לשמוע הרצאות על תחום מחקרם באווירה ידידותית, לשוחח עימם ולשאול שאלות על מחקר מתמטי.
המדרשה תכלול ארבע סדרות של הרצאות על ידי חברי סגל מהמחלקה למתמטיקה באוניברסיטת בן-גוריון בנגב, וכן טיול באזור שדה בוקר (בהתאם לתנאי מזג האוויר).
Some older events may be found on the pages of the Center for Advanced Studies.
אירועי העבר
Online Excellence day(*) Jul 9, 2024.
Online The degree of nonminimality is at most two (Special lecture)(*) May 8, 14:10—15:00, 2023, Department of mathematics, BGU, room -101.
This is the third lecture from the Mini-Course Model theory of algebraic vector fields by Rahim Moosa. The first lecture is given as a Colloquium talk, and the details for the second one are here.
In this final lecture I will sketch the proof that the degree of nonminimality of a finite rank type in DCF is at most two, and deduce as a consequence one of the theorems stated in Lecture 1.
Online From model theory to differential-algebraic geometry (Special lecture)(*) May 4, 10:10—11:00, 2023, Department of mathematics, BGU, room -101.
This is the second lecture from the Mini-Course Model theory of algebraic vector fields by Rahim Moosa. The first lecture is given as a Colloquium talk, and the third lecture is described here.
In this talk I will discuss how one translates between notions coming from model theory and from differential-algebraic geometry. This should serve as an explanation for how model theory is involved in the results about algebraic vector fields that were discussed in Lecture 1 (colloquium).
Mini-Course: Model theory of algebraic vector fields(*) May 2—11, 2023, Department of mathematics, BGU.
Prof. Rahim Moosa will give a mini-course of three lectures, via the program for researchers from abroad. The first, introductory talk will be given as a Colloquium talk, followed by the second and third talks during the following week.
School on Polish Groups(*) May 22—27, 2016, Midreshet Sde-Boker.
The School will focus on Polish Groups. General theory, examples, representations of discrete groups with Polish targets, and applications to discrete groups, geometry and dynamics. The three main courses will be:
- General theory of Polish groups Jullien Melleray, Christian Rosendal and Todor Tsankov.
- Algebraic groups over Polish fields. Jean Lécureux and Bertrand Rémy.
- Infinite dimensional Lie groups and their symmetric spaces Bruno Duchesne.
ערב חשיפה לתארים מתקדמים Apr 12, 17:00—18:30, 2016, חדר סמינרים (101-), בניין 58.
Algebraic Combinatorics day(*) Mar 29, 2016, Room -101, Math building (58), BGU.
In honor of Prof. Mikhail Klin, on the occasion of his retirement
Special Seminar Jun 16, 10:00—11:00, 2015, Room -101, BGU.
Speaker: Antoine Ducros (Paris 6)
Title: Stability of Gauss valuations
A valued field $(k,|.|)$ is said to be stable (this terminology has no link with model-theoretic stability theory) if every finite extension $L$ of $k$ is defectless, i.e., satisfies the equality $\sum e_vf_v=[L:k]$, where $v$ goes through the set of extensions of $|.|$ to $L$, and where $e_v$ and $f_v$ are the ramification and inertia indexes of $v$. The purpose of my talk is to present a new proof (which is part of current joint reflexions with E. Hrushovski and F. Loeser) of the following classical fact (Grauert, Kuhlmann, Temkin,…) : let $(k,|.|)$ be a stable valued field, and let $(r_1,\dots,r_n)$ be elements of an ordered abelian group $G$ containing $|k^*|$. Let $|.|‘$ be the $G$-valued valuation on $k(T_1,\dots,T_n)$ that sends $\sum a_I T^I$ to $\max_I |a_I|\cdot r^I$. Then $(k(T_1,\dots,T_n),|.|‘)$ is stable too.
Our general strategy is purely geometric, but the proof is based upon model-theoretic tools coming from model theory (which I will first present; no knowledge of model theory will be assumed). In particular, it uses in a crucial way a geometric object defined in model-theoretic terms that Hrushovski and Loeser attach to a given $k$-variety $X$, which is called its stable completion; the only case we will have to consider is that of a curve, in which the stable completion has a very nice model-theoretic property, namely the definability, which makes it very easy to work with.
Operator algebras and operator theory May 13, 11:10—15:30, 2015, BGU.
Joint Operator Algebras and Operator Theory Seminar, bringing together people from Ben-Gurion University, the Technion, Tel Aviv University and the University of Haifa
Award of the Noriko Sakurai Postdoctoral Fellowship(*) May 12, 2015, BGU.
Distinguished Lecture Series: Prof. Ilijas Farah, York University, Canada May 7—18, 2015, BGU.
Ergodic Theorems and Applications in Probability(*) May 3—8, 2015, Eilat.
Action NOW(*) Mar 24, 2015, BGU.
The Moshe Flato Lecture Series 2015 Mar 12, 2015, BGU.
Workshop on Generalized Cohomology(*) Feb 8—12, 2015, Sde Boker.
TRATC2014 - Tropicalization, Realization, and Algebraic-Tropical Correspondence(*) Sep 28—Oct 3, 2014, Eilat.
Award of the Noriko Sakurai Postdoctoral Fellowship(*) May 20, 2014, BGU.
30th European Workshop on Computational Geometry (EuroCG 2014)(*) Mar 3—5, 2014, Ein Gedi.
Workshop on the Central Limit Theorem(*) Jul 2, 2013, Ben-Gurion University, math. dept. building.
Interactions between Logic, Topological structures and Banach spaces theory(*) May 19—24, 2013, Eilat.
Action Now Seminar: Mostow and Rigidity(*) May 7, 2013, Ben-Gurion University Math dept. building.
Workshop on Algebraic, Analytic, and Tropical Geometry (AATG2013)(*) Apr 28—May 3, 2013, Kibbutz Ein Gedi.
Mini conference in operator algebras(*) Apr 9—10, 2013, BGU.
Spring School on Group C*-algebras(*) Mar 17—21, 2013, Sde Boker.
Workshop on C*-algebras and Noncommutative Dynamics(*) Mar 11—14, 2013, Sde Boker.
Dynamics on parameter spaces 2013 Jan 27—Feb 1, 2013, Sde Boker.
Award of the Noriko Sakurai Postdoctoral Fellowship for 2013(*) Dec 25, 2012, BGU.
The Moshe Flato Lecture Series 2011 Mar 10, 2011, BGU.
The Moshe Flato Lecture Series 2008 Nov 27, 2008, BGU.
The Moshe Flato Lecture Series 2007 Mar 20, 2007, BGU.
The Moshe Flato Lecture Series 2004 Nov 25, 2004, BGU.
The Moshe Flato Lecture Series 2002 Nov 28, 2002, BGU.