Number Theory and Algebraic Geometry Seminar



Number Theory and Algebraic Geometry Seminar

Spring Semester 2004

March 10, 2004

Alexander Gurevich (BGU)

p-adic period map for the Lubin-Tate moduli space


March 17, 2004

Kobi Snitz (BGU)

Representation numbers of ternary quadratic forms



Mikhail Kulikov (Moscow State University)

Horocycle flow without minimal sets


March 24, 2004

Alexander Gurevich (BGU)

p-adic period map for the Lubin-Tate moduli space (continued)


March 31, 2004

Amnon Yekutieli (BGU)

Grothendieck Duality via Rigid Dualizing Complexes and Differential Graded Alge bras


April 21, 2004

Amos Nevo (Technion)

Between measure preserving and amenable actions -- a structure theory for semis imple Lie group actions.

(abstract )

April 28, 2004

Barak Weiss (BGU)

Distribution of lattice orbits on homogeneous varieties of semisimple Lie groups .


May 5, 2004

Amnon Besser (BGU)

A short proof of a formula of de Shalit


May 12, 2004

Beno Eckmann (ETH)

Discrete Subgroups of Lie Groups


May 19, 2004

Daniel Grunberg (Hebrew University)

Gromov-Witten theory


June 9, 2004

Ron Livne (Hebrew University)

Topological variations on the Bruhat decomposition for PGL(2) of a finite field


June 16, 2004

Erez Lapid (Hebrew University)

lower bounds for L-functions at the edge of the critical strip


Seminars normally take place at 12:15 in room 201, mathematics building

Past years:

Spring semester 2003

Winter semester 2002/2003

Spring semester 2002

Winter semester 2001/2002

Spring semester 2001

Winter semester 2000/2001

Spring semester 2000

Winter semester 1999/2000

Spring semester 1999

Other links:

Number Theory and Algebraic Geometry Research Group at BGU

For inquiries please contact Amnon Besser