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Department of Mathematics

Ben Gurion University

Prof. Amnon Yekutieli


Deformation Quantization in Algebraic Geometry


We study deformation quantization of the structure sheaf O_X of a smooth algebraic variety X in characteristic 0. The universal deformation formula of Kontsevich gives rise to an L_infinity quasi-isomorphism between the pullbacks of the DG Lie algebras T_{poly,X} and D_{poly,X} to the bundle of formal coordinate systems of X. Using simplicial sections we obtain an induced twisted L_infinity quasi-isomorphism between the mixed resolutions Mix(T_{poly,X}) and Mix(D_{poly,X}). If certain cohomologies vanish (e.g.\ if X is D-affine) it follows that there is a canonical function from the set of gauge equivalence classes of formal Poisson structures on X to the set of gauge equivalence classes of deformation quantizations of O_X. This is the quantization map. When X is affine the quantization map is in fact bijective. This is an algebro-geometric analogue of Kontsevich's celebrated result.

Eprint: math.AG/0310399

Lecture notes: postscript
Presentation: acrobat

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updated 25 June 2006