Mailing address:
Department of Mathematics
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
P.O. Box 653
Be'er Sheva 8410501
Physical address: Building 58b (Deichman), Office 214
Tel.: (+972) 8 647 7862
Joint with Asaf Horev: Koszul duality for left modules over associative algebras
Joint with David Jarossay:
M_{0,5}: Towards the Chabauty-Kim method in higher dimensions
Sage code for M_{0,5} over ZZ[1/6] in half-weight 4
Joint with David Corwin: The polylog quotient and the Goncharov quotient in computational Chabauty-Kim theory II , Transactions of the AMS. arXiv preprint
Joint with David Corwin: The polylog quotient and the Goncharov quotient in computational Chabauty-Kim theory I , International Journal of Number Theory. arXiv preprint
Joint with Tomer Schlank: Morphisms of rational motivic homotopy types, Applied Categorical Structures. arXiv:1811.06365
Joint with Tomer Schlank: Rational motivic path spaces and Kim's relative unipotent section conjecture, Rendiconti del Seminario Matematico della Universita di Padova. arXiv preprint
Mixed Tate motives and the unit equation II, Algebra and Number Theory. arXiv preprint
Joint with Stefan Wewers: Mixed Tate motives and the unit equation, Int. Math. Res. Not. IMRN 2016, no. 17. (Associated Sage code: localanalytic.sage, lip.sage)
Joint with Jennifer Balakrishnan, Minhyong Kim, and Stefan Wewers: A non-abelian conjecture of Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer type for hyperbolic curves , Math. Ann. 372 (2018), no. 1-2, 369–428. Erratum (Associated Sage code)
Joint with Stefan Wewers: Explicit Chabauty-Kim theory for the thrice punctured line in depth two, Proceedings of the London Math Society (2015) 110 (1): 133-171. arXiv preprint
Joint with Stefan Wewers: The Heisenberg coboundary equation: appendix to Explicit Chabauty-Kim theory
Moduli of unipotent representations II: wide representations and the width , Journal fur die Reine und angewandte Mathematik (Crelle's Journal), Volume 2015, Issue 699 (Feb 2015). Published version
Moduli of unipotent representations I: foundational topics, Annales de l'Institut Fourier, Vol. 62 no. 3 (2012), p. 1123-1187. Published version.
Moduli of unipotent representations, my thesis, largely subsumed by the two articles above.
A Motivic Weil height machine for curves A video of a lecture given at the INI in May of 2022
Connectedness and concentration theorems in rational motivic homotopy theory A video of a lecture given at Banff in 2017
The polylog quotient and the Goncharov quotient in computational Chabauty-Kim theory A video of a lecture given at the Hausdorff Center for Mathematics in April of 2018
Towards Chabauty-Kim loci for the polylogarithmic quotient A video of a lecture given at the AMS Summer Institute in Algebraic Geometry in Salt Lake City in August of 2015
Slides for a talk in Konstanz:
Explicit Chabauty-Kim theory for
the thrice punctured line
A seminar which I co-organized with Stefan Wewers:
"p-Adic structure of integral points"
A conference which I co-organized with Martin Olsson:
Equivariant algebraic geometry
The geometry of 3-Selmer classes, a talk about work of Cassels, O'Neil, and Fisher, apropos the work of Bhargava-Shankar on the BSD conjecture
The induction step in the wildly ramified higher class field theory of Kerz--Saito, February 2015 in Essen
Beilinson's conjectures on values of L-functions, Novermber 2014 in Essen
From cycle-complex constructions to Voevodsky motives, a talk about work of Bloch, Kriz, and Levine
The unipotent fundamental group is motivic, a talk about work of Wojtkowiak, Goncharov, Beilinson, and Deligne
Divisors and their intersections on wonderful compactifications, a talk about work of de Concini, Procesi
Bloch's formula and the Gersten resolution. I gave this talk at an introductory K-theory seminar, which followed the book by Srinivas.
Kim's Selmer variety, a talk about work of Minhyong Kim
Deligne's weight-monodromy theorem
A two-hour introduction to algebraic K-theory and Chern class maps