201.1.9721 Calculus 2 for Mechanical Engineering (2014, Spring).
Each midterm will consist of 4 questions, total of 100 points, two and a half hours.
The page of some basic formulas will be provided. No calculators, no other auxilliary materials are allowed. The tests are heavily based on the homeworks.

During the test. Do not write in red ink.
Do not start to write your thoughts rightaway, first think. The grader wants to see only the final solution.
Write your solution in the clear way. Explain what you are doing. Do not write like this: 1, 2.
Messy solution will not add you any points.
Normally each solution should not take more than one page.

You may ask the questions about the formulations of the problems only. We do not answer questions like "give a general direction/idea", "am I thinking in the right way?", "I forgot this formula", "which theorem should I use here" etc.

Appeals. Every appeal implies the new/full check of the exam-work. If new mistakes are found the mark can be lowered.
Appeal only if you are absolutely sure about your solution. Appeals like "I tried very hard", "I was in the right direction" will be rejected.

1'st midterm (2.05) The material: everything up to the partial derivatives, excluding vector functions. (The material is covered by homeworks 1-5.)
The exam and its solutions
Results of the 1'st midterm: [0-39]: 55. [40-55]: 131. [56-69]: 98. [70-79]: 38. [80-89]: 5. [90-100]: 1

2'nd midterm (30.05) The material: everything up to the integrals (not including the integrals), up to homework 7.3. This includes in particular: lines and planes, functions of several variables, level curves and surfaces, continuity, partials, differentiability of functions, series and their convergence, Taylor series, tangent lines to curves, tangent planes to surfaces, implicit function theorem, directional derivatives, min/max local and global (of functions in 2 variables).
The test and its solutions. Another version of solutions.
Results of the 2'st midterm: [0-39]: 26. [40-55]: 63. [56-69]: 101. [70-79]: 73. [80-89]: 31. [90-100]: 8

Moed.A (29.06.) Auxiliary material: one A4 page of formulas, double sided, no calculators.
Note: the students assume the full responsibility for all the possible mistakes/typos in this A4 page. We do not answer any question of the type "I forgot to record this formula", "I've copied this in a wrong way", etc.
The material: everything that is covered by the homeworks, except for finding the potential.

Moed.A. and its solutions Results of moed.A: [0-39]: 49. [40-55]: 50. [56-69]: 60. [70-79]: 71. [80-89]: 64. [90-100]: 54

Moed.B.1 and its solutions. Results of Moed.B.1: [0-39]: 11. [40-55]: 20. [56-69]: 16. [70-79]: 3. [80-89]: 1.

Moed.B.2 and its solutions. Results of Moed.B.2: [0-39]: 35. [40-55]: 20. [56-69]: 6.
* Note: the results are not yet final. Mador Bhinot is currently checking the cheating cases during Moed.B.2.
Moed.D and its solutions.
Results of Moed.B.2: [0-40]: 2. [41-55]: 3. [56-69]: 3. [70-80] 1.