Ehud de Shalit (Hebrew University )

Wednesday, November 1, 2017, 15:10 – 16:30, Math -101


Let E be a quadratic imaginary field and p a prime which is inert in E. Let S be the special fiber (at p) of a unitary Shimura variety of signature (n,m) and hyperspecial level subgroup at p, associated with E/Q.

We study a natural foliation in the tangent bundle of S, which is originally defined on the \mu-ordinary stratum only, but is extended to a certain non-singular blow-up of S. We identify the quotient of S by the foliation with a certain irreducible component of a Shimura variety with parahoric level structure at p. As a result we get new results on the singularities of the latter.

We study integral submanifolds of the foliation and end the talk with a new conjecture of Andre-Oort type.