Emeritus Prof Genrich Belitskii
genrich |
Local and global invariants of dynamic systems, formal normal forms of dynamic systems and formal maps, local classifications of singularities, solvability of differential and functional equations on smooth manifolds, finite dimensional linear analysis, infinite dimensional nonlinear analysis.
Prof. Leonid Berezansky
brznsky |
Differential Equations, differential-functional and difference equations
Prof. Michael Gil
gilmi |
Partial and ordinary differential Equations, intergral differential equations, stability of oscillatory systems, control systems
Prof. Leonid Prigozhin
leonid |
Free boundary and variational problems, numerical methods, mathematical modeling, granular mechanics, applied super- conductivity
Emeritus Prof Vladimir Gol’dshtein
vladimir |
Functional analysis: Sobolev spaces, global analysis: analysis on manifolds and L2-cohomology, geometrical theory of functions: quasi-conformal mappings, chemical engineering science.
Prof. Mark Ayzenberg-Stepanenko
ayzenbe |
Unsteady-state problems of mathematical physics, mathematical modelling of wave and fracture propagation in solids and structures, dynamic strength and stability of composites under impact. Mathematical models of penetration processes and protective structure optimal design.
Prof. Arkady Poliakovsky
poliakov |
Partial differential equations, geometric measure theory
Integral Transforms and Partial Differential Equations |
Prof. Chen Dubi
cdubi |
Prof. Gregory Derfel
derfel |
Functional differential equations and their applications in spectral theory of Schroedinger operator, dynamical systems and probability theory.
Prof. Nina Chernyavskaya
nina |
Differential equations, asymptotic theory of differential operators
Prof. Boris Zaltzman
boris |
Dualitative properties of partial differential equations. mathematical models of water disalination by electro-dialysis
Ordinary Differential Equations, Introduction to Differential Equations B and Ordinary Differential Equations |
Prof. Yitzchak Rubinstein
robinst |
Theory of nonlinear transport processes in continuous media, specific interests: mass and momentum transfer in electrolyte solutions, synthetic ion-exchange membranes, reaction-diffusion, free boundary problems in heat and mass transfer.
Dr. Paz Hashash
pazhash |
Function spaces and geometric measure theory. In particular, I am interested in problems related to Besov spaces, Sobolev spaces, spaces of functions of bounded variation, and functions of bounded mean oscillation. Analytical and geometrical properties of such functions are my focus.
My homepage can be viewed through the link: