Prof. Ruvim Lipyanski
lipyansk |
Theory of Lie algebras, constructive algebraic geometry, algorithmic problems in the theory of rings.
Dr. Eitan Bachmat
ebachmat |
Prof. Victor Vinnikov
vinnikov |
Operator theory, system theory, algebraic geometry
Basic Concepts in Modern Analysis and Geometric infinitesimal calculus 1 |
Prof. Fedor Pakovich
pakovich |
Function Theory, Differential equations, Number Theory
Prof. Ronen Peretz
ronenp |
Algebraic geometry: polynomial automorphisms, geometric function theory, external problems in complex analysis.
Prof. Ido Efrat
efrat |
Galois theory, field arithmetic, Galois cohomology, valuation theory
Field Theory and Galois Theory and Noncommutative algebra |
Dr. David Corwin
corwind |
Arithmetic geometry: rational and integral points, motives, anabelian geometry
Theory of Functions of a Complex Variable and Theory of Numbers |
Emeritus Prof Yoav Segev
yoavs |
Finite group theory, finite geometries, combinatorial topology.
Prof. Ilya Tyomkin
tyomkin |
Algebraic geometry, Tropical Geometry, Singularities
Linear algebra 2 |
Dr. Daniel Disegni
disegni |
Arithmetic geometry and ($p$-adic) $L$-functions
Prof. Dmitry Kerner
kernerdm |
Singularities, Algebraic Geometry, Commutative Algebra
Introduction to Differential Topology and Geometric infinitesimal calculus 2 |
Prof. Eitan Sayag
sayage |
Automorphic forms, Representation Theory, Harmonic analysis.
Problem Solving |
Prof. Amnon Yekutieli
amyekut |
Algebraic geometry, noncommutative algebra
Prof. Nadya Gurevich
ngur |
Automorphic representations and L-functions
Emeritus Prof Daniel Berend
berend |
Applied Probability, Combinatorial Optimization, Number Theory.
Dr. Yotam Hendel
yhendel |
Introduction to Commutative Algebra and Linear Algebraic Groups |
Prof. Amnon Besser
bessera |
Number theory, arithmetic geometry, p-adic integration, p-adic cohomology, Shimura varieties, automorphic forms, algebraic cycles, algebraic K-theory
Approximation Theory |
Dr. Ishai Dan-Cohen
ishaida |
Motives, p-adic periods, integral points.
Vector calculus for Electric Engineering and Algebraic Structures |
Dr. Inna Entova-Aizenbud
entova |
Representation Theory: Lie algebras and superalgebras, representations of finite groups, tensor categories, representation stability, diagram categories, categorical actions
Dr. Moshe Kamensky
kamenskm |
Model theory (a branch of mathematical logic), and its interactions with other areas of mathematics, especially algebraic geometry, representation theory and differential equations. I also like algebraic geometry in general, as well as category theory and related subjects.
Logic |