Emeritus Prof Avraham Feintuch
abie |
Operator theory, linear systems, optimal control
Emeritus Prof Paul Fuhrmann
paf |
Systems and control theory, operator theory in Hilbert spaces, module theory and linear algebra
Dr. Saak Gabriyelyan
saak |
Topological groups (general theory), abstract harmonic analysis, topological dynamics
Emeritus Prof Alexander Markus
markus |
Operator theory, functional analysis, matrix theory.
Emeritus Prof Vadim Tkachenko
tkachenk |
Complex analysis, spectral theory of differential operators, functional equations.
Prof. Victor Vinnikov
vinnikov |
Operator theory, system theory, algebraic geometry
Basic Concepts in Modern Analysis and Geometric infinitesimal calculus 1 |
Prof. Ilan Hirshberg
ilan |
Fundamentals of Measure Theory |
Dr. Apurva Seth
apurva |
Prof. Alexander Ukhlov
ukhlov |
Geometric analysis: Sobolev spaces theory. Quasiconformal analysis. Geometric measure theory. Analysis on metric measure spaces.
Introduction to Differential Equations C, Partial Differential Equations For Biotechnology and Introduction to Differential Equations B2 |
Dr. Tattwamasi Amrutam
tattwama |
I work in the intersection between group dynamics and operator algebras. Most of my PhD work was devoted to understanding the structure of the crossed product structure.
Here are some(or all) of my publications:
Generalized Powers’ averaging for Commutative crossed products., to appear in Transactions of the
American Mathematical Society, preprint available at arXiv:2101.02853 ; (Joint with Dan Ursu).
On Intermediate C-subalgebras of C-simple Group Actions, International Mathematics Research
Notices, Volume 2021, Issue 21, November 2021, Pages 16191–16202,
https://doi.org/10.1093/imrn/rnz291, preprint available at arXiv:1811.11381.
On simplicity of intermediate C*-algebras, Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems, 40(12), 3181-3187.
doi:10.1017/etds.2019.34 ; (Joint with Mehrdad Kalantar)
Dr. Motke Porat
motkep |
Free Analysis, Operator Theory, Complex Analysis
Dr. Eli Shamovich
shamovic |
operator algebras, noncommutative convexity, function theory, several complex variables, real and complex algebraic geometry
Infinitesimal Calculus 1 |
Dr. Daniel Markiewicz
danielm |
Infinitesimal Calculus 2 |